Digital Pathology Blog

The Digitization and Democratization of Healthcare

Two weeks ago, healthcare news headlines and Twitter made hundreds of thousands of references to Dr. Eric Topol’s keynote address at the 8th Annual Health 2.0 conference. For a review of Dr. Topol’s thoughts and comments, click here.  

Why Are More Physicians Choosing Startups?

Some time ago I came across some videos and a TED talk by Dr. Zubin Damania aka ZDoggMD. Born of Indian parents, educated at the finest colleges, medical schools and residencies, he felt his career had hit a wall. He felt he wasn’t making the impact he’d planned to when he first entered the medical field as a physician. So Dr. Damania transformed himself into an entrepreneur, motivational speaker and social media cult figure.

The Healthcare Revolution in 2014 is Not Just About Payment Models

This is a fascinating time to be part of the healthcare industry. There is a revolution happening in how providers are looking at patients, looking at costs, looking at technologies, looking at…everything. The major driver of the revolution is, of course, changes to reimbursement models driven by the Accountable Care Act (ACA). The death knell is sounding loudly across the U.S. for the Fee-for-Service (FFS) payment model that the government and other payers have used to reimburse healthcare providers for decades.