Digital Pathology Blog

Digital Pathology - The Incremental Push and Pull of Change

Major changes rarely evolve in a linear fashion. It usually comes down to a group of people pushing forward a new model while another group holds on with both hands to the status quo. Then a small group in the middle plays its role as the bridge to both sides.

Sleep is the New Poster Child for Preventing Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

Well, it’s not really new. For decades researchers have been linking a lack of sleep, disturbed sleep, or a “night shift” schedule to various health conditions. But as the studies mount, so does evidence that the intuitive link between sleep loss and metabolic disorders is actually becoming provable. A new report released this week in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Journal pulls together multiple studies that point toward the detrimental effects on health that come with a sleep starved population.

The Healthcare Revolution in 2014 is Not Just About Payment Models

This is a fascinating time to be part of the healthcare industry. There is a revolution happening in how providers are looking at patients, looking at costs, looking at technologies, looking at…everything. The major driver of the revolution is, of course, changes to reimbursement models driven by the Accountable Care Act (ACA). The death knell is sounding loudly across the U.S. for the Fee-for-Service (FFS) payment model that the government and other payers have used to reimburse healthcare providers for decades.

5 Things You Need to Know About Telemedicine Grants

Billions of dollars in telemedicine grants are available every year from foundations and local, state, and federal agencies. Many healthcare providers miss out on beneficial funding opportunities because they don’t have the resources to track, develop, write, and manage grants. We reached out to Cathy Denison-Robert, Ph.D., founder of Denison Associates, Inc. Cathy and her team have been helping both large and small healthcare systems, educational institutions, and community organizations across the country for more than 20 years with their grants development process.

What’s the #1 Cause of Patient Data Breaches? HCR Issues Cause Concern

Are Electronic Health Records (EHR) vulnerable to hackers? Yes. But are hackers the main source of healthcare data breaches? According to a report just released by IT Security firm Redspin, theft is listed as causing 83% of all large HIPAA privacy and security breaches. Hacking accounted for 6% of breaches. 

Medical Tourism and Digital Pathology – what does one have to do with the other?

Maybe not much, but it got us thinking. There has been some buzz lately about medical tourism funneling revenues away from US hospitals to overseas providers that offer popular procedures at lower cost.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that up to 750,000 US residents travel abroad to get care each year, while other sources put the number at closer to a million. The most common procedures sought by US residents in other countries include cosmetic surgery, dentistry, and heart surgery. The impetus for this mini-exodus is the hunt for cheaper medical procedures. 

Trends In Healthcare: Reducing Costs

Healthcare leaders in 2014 have a plethora of critical issues to tackle. A key challenge is how to cut costs to offset dwindling reimbursements without compromising patient care. There are an increasing number of hospitals taking a hard look at variations in care: using retrospective patient data to chart which protocols produce the best outcomes. These data-driven initiatives are producing an exciting intersection of quality and cost savings that improve patient outcomes and cut down on unnecessary prescriptions, tests, and procedures. 

A few weeks ago, the Journal of the American Pediatrics Association published a new study showing substantial diversity in how hospitals treat and manage tonsillitis. The study showed that in some facilities, as many as 13 percent of children suffered complications, whereas in others the rate was only 3 percent. Why the difference?

“We gave up looking at pathology slides a long time ago”

Keith J. Kaplan, MD

                        Carolinas Healthcare System

Charlotte, NC

Imagine, if you will, a left-handed bicycle tire, a right-handed fork or a tumor board without, well, pathology images of the tumor.

Tumor boards are a multi-disciplinary conference where patients (cases) are presented – their clinical history, radiology findings, and pathology findings (whether biopsy or resection material) – are presented to clinicians for discussions on treatment, management, and best patient care.

Why Pathology?

Keith Kaplan's blog post, Why Pathology, published this week is a significant work. The core frustrations of pathologists resonate in their similarities. The reminders of why this arena was chosen vs others is a celebration of the joy they have found in their work. Because it touches everyone in pathology, I wanted to share it here again. 

Thank you Keith.

Lessons learned from Radiology’s digital migration

xray on an IpadRichard Wingard

CEO, Euclid Discoveries

Co-founder, Corista

30 years ago, as the University of Kansas implemented the first PACS system, 60% of Radiologists vowed they’d never read anything but film on a white box. Most radiologists predicted a stunning collapse for the new-fangled digital radiology, certain it’d never get off the ground.